Thursday, October 15, 2009


My name is Nicole. My sister just started a blog so I wanted to start one too. Just to let you know i do not go on the computer that much so there might not be that much on my blog. It might be just like my moms (BORING) so don't be surprised if there is not much on my blog. I really like the idea of having my blog. Now the only things that I need to convince my mom into getting me that would make my life complete is my own computer, a cell phone, a Email, a DS, and a ipod. But who knows when i am going to get that stuff those are the thing that would make my life complete. You know how I said that i might not be blogging that much well one of the reasons might be that my sister Tiffany might be saying all the good stuff on her blog so I will not have much to say on mine.


  1. Nicole you are such a copy cat, but you aare right you will never get to go on the computer i will be using it. :D

  2. Hi Nicole,

    If you got all that stuff, and your life was complete, then you wouldn't have anything to look forward to. Besides, if you got all those things then my kids would say it wasn't fair.
    Be good.
    Aunt Tracy

  3. Okay, Nicole, now that you have your own blog, you have to tell a sweet or cool story or something. Or put a funny video on it! It will be interesting to see what your next post will be all about . . . maybe your baby brother who is on the way very soon!

  4. Hey Nicole! I'm curious to read your blog as well! Hearing the Nash family stories from two different perspectives . . . :)

  5. Like Emily said, you can both write about the same thing, but each of you might write about it in a different way.

    Go, Nicole.

    And you don't have to write about things that happen. You can tell us about your house, and your school, and what you think about things.

  6. Your blog is already NOT boring! I am very interested in seeing what you and Tiff have to say! :)

  7. Hi Nicole,
    This is fun. Sorry I have been so slow-had company-Kennedy and Avery.We had fun and we would have loved for you and Tiff to be here ,too. Did you get Nash's room cleaned? Let me know and I'll send your wages. Deb says he always wants to be with you when you are there. So I guess now you can officially babysit since you had the class. You were good before-now you must be great.
    Talk about all the things you love-you write so well.
    Can't wait to see you play tennis.
    Keep us posted on the new arrival. It will be fun to hear your view.
    Love you.

  8. Hey baby girl! I'm really glad you have a blog now, i don't get to see my 2 favorite girls very often so its gonna be great to see what you cuties are up too! But that means you are gonna have to keep it updated so i can stay in the loop[: i love you guys and hopefully i will see you soon.

    love cousin Katie<<3
